
Symbiosis' aims to explore the mental burdens caused by rising temperatures, visually delve into eco-somatics centreing body/land connections, and create inner and outer realms which serve as primary portals for healing and transformation. By visually exploring psychological vulnerability, the repetition of a heavy state of mind felt through the suffering of nature is heart-felt. Depicting such states in a repeated manner evokes inner reflections of our own connection to nature and sensing what is usually not so evident.
Džiuginta Mažulytė is a Lithuanian photographer based in London who holds a BSc in Psychology. Her practice explores the intra-action of homo sapiens and nature. Deeply interested in eco-somatics, she aims to transform personal and collective experiences with this practice into visual artworks. Mainly working with photography, Mažulytė attempts to shift the viewer’s gaze from an anthropocentric perspective and towards the acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all matter. Significantly inspired by the more-than-human, her experimentation leaks into digital, analogue and alternative processes.