n a t h a l i e b r a n s

V i l l a  W a l d b e r t a

How can we visualise the repetition and circularity of time? My preference for lensless and alternative photography has led me to solargraphy: with hand-made pinhole cameras the suns’ orbit is captured on photographic paper. Time is registered and made visible as a stacking of lines of light. It’s almost like observing the immense from the tiny pinhole. The sunlight burns itself onto the sensitive photo paper and the movement of the sun across the sky appears as bright lines. I started making solargraphs with homemade pinhole cameras in 2020. Most of my hand made cameras have multiple holes. Initially I did this as an experiment: to see what the result would be. I immediately liked the repetition of the image in the pictures and decided to stick with the multiple pinhole cameras. For this submission I have chosen two of the results of my solargraphs I made during my residency in Villa Waldberta.

The last three months of 2023 I spent as an artist in residence in Villa Waldberta in Feldafing, Bavaria, Germany. Villa Waldberta is located on an estate and surrounded by a beautiful garden. Tall larches are growing in this garden. One of the projects I have been working on during my stay was the solargraphy project. I was very curious of how the trees would turn out on the images. I attached several pinhole cameras on some trees, each in a different place in the garden. All of the cameras were facing towards the Villa and facing South to catch as much of the path of the Sun as possible. After a few weeks time had come to demount and open the cameras. Opening a pinhole camera is always an exciting thing to do: you never really exactly can predict what the image looks like. The weather had been very turbulent with rain and strong wind. So I wasn’t expecting too much of it to be honest. But then there was the surprise: the trees were deformed by the round shape to the cameras. This added unexpected dynamics to the images. One of the cameras had been moved by the wind and had caused a blurry picture which is usually not what I am looking for. But this one was easy to forgive and by looking at it for the second time I was even happy with it.